Posted: May 26, 2013 in Uncategorized


Posted: July 12, 2012 in Uncategorized

Alleycat Life

Don’t forget, tomorrow evening we’re debuting Lucas Brunelle’s “Line of Sight” film in Nord Alley at Back Alley Bike Repair. There will be an after party/fund raising raffle with tons of cool schwag from local brands like DANK for the Guardians Bike Polo team as well. $5 per ticket.

Come out and enjoy the sun and some great racing action!!!

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I’ve never been one to sit still. I can’t stay cooped up in the house all day and there are only so many jobs out there to apply for. As easy as it would be to stay on the computer all day, I try not to.

In an attempt to keep myself from going crazy, I’ve started a new blog, I’ve been finishing up my real estate education, I’ve been doing some bike racing and filming, I’ve been training to ride the STP in 1 day on a single speed, I’ve been doing a little volunteer work with Outdoors for All and I’ve been trying to put together a Seattle screening of  Lucas Brunelle‘s Line of Sight film.

Man….not working is hard work!

Girls of Summer 2012

Posted: June 30, 2012 in Uncategorized

Girls of Summer 2012.

I had another job interview with a major corporation yesterday. It never ceases to amaze me at how disorganized some of these companies are.

I should have known from the get go. The story goes like this:

I’m sitting at home tip tappity typing on my blogs while taking a break from the daily job hunting and real estate law studying grind when the phone rings.

“Hello, this is Camille from Major Corporation. I found your resume online and I have an opportunity that I think would be a perfect fit.”

Camille continues to explain the job role and I say that yes, I’ve done most of that, and the stuff I haven’t done I can learn. It’s just a different version of the software I’ve used in the past.

She then asks me what prompted me to apply for the job.

“I didn’t,” I say. “You called me.”

I mean, we just had this conversation 5 minutes ago…

Phone interview, blah blah blah…. Fast forward a few days and I receive an email from Camille stating that they are looking for someone with more specific technical experience. I say thanks for the interview and please keep my resume for future opportunities….blah blah blah……

About a week passes by and I receive another call from Camille. She says the company has revamped the requirements and now they want me to come in for an in person interview. I say “what a great turn of luck. Sure I’ll come in for an interview.”

I drive up to the east side yesterday afternoon for the interview.

The first question is “What is your experience with X Software?”

I tell them (again) that I have none, but I know it’s similar to software I’ve used in the past and it should be easy for me to pick up.

“If you don’t have X experience, why did you apply for the job?”

Again: “I didn’t. You guys called me.

I don’t why I go into these corporate interviews thinking that things will ever be different. They never are. It’s all the same and it all seems bad.

Get hyped for Zlogcat this Weekend.

Give Me Money

Posted: June 21, 2012 in Bikes, Volunteering
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The Pacific NW has the highest rates of MS in the nation. There is no known cause. There is no known cure.

   The Pac NW has the highest rates of Multiple Sclerosis in the country. No one knows why. Nobody knows what causes it.

All I know is that I have a friend from college who was diagnosed shortly after graduation, about 10 years ago. In addition to my volunteering with Outdoors for All, I make it a point to participate in the MS Ride (previously titled MS150) every year to raise money for MS research in hopes that we’ll find a cure for this terrible disease.

Please take a moment to visit my donation link. Even if you can’t donate, I encourage everyone to learn about MS.

Also, please “like” our MS team (Team Pro Bono) on Facebook.

Thank you,


With alleycat racing season in full swing here in the Pac NW, I have created a new blog focusing on our “outlaw” racing culture here in the Emerald City.

Please take a few minutes to check it out!


–Keep It Rubber Side Down–


FatguyonabikeSeattle here.

This is my new blog focusing on the Seattle area alleycat racing scene. Alley Cat Life

Please enjoy and keep it rubber side down!

Greg from GoMeansGo contacted me regarding the video I made of the annual 9 to 5 scavenger hunt ride last week. Apparently he liked it, which is cool, but he also volunteered me to film Menstrual Monday’s “Girls of Summer” all female race this upcoming weekend.

I never turn down the chance to ride in an alleycat and film. Monica from Menstrual Monday assured me that they’d introduce me at the starting line so the ladies don’t think I’m just some kind of perv following them around with cameras.

Should be fun. So if there are any ladies in the Seattle area reading this, come on out and have some fun this Saturday!

FGOAB (Seattle)
